“The only thing I really wish for…”

“…is to love until I die of love.” ~St. Therese of Lisieux
I wrote this post over the past few days, and it definitely does not even begin to encompass the awesomeness that was this weekend, but it’s a little taste, and I have to sleep 🙂
With Love,

Something that we just cannot stop repeating is how supremely and amazingly blessed we all are to be here.  Everything is just so beautiful.  I can’t lie, there are times where I get tired, homesick, anxious, impatient, etc. but it is so beautiful to see every moment as the blessing that it is.
I cannot even describe how good God has been, and how much I have not appreciated it.  There’s a delicate balance to be had between taking advantage of every opportunity and recognizing your limits.

I am a human being. I am limited. I cannot do everything. Lather, rinse, repeat. 😀

BUT – first world problem and proof of blessed-ness: my biggest problem is that there are so many good things to do that I don’t sleep, resulting in a lack of proper appreciation for the ones I do. Winning? It’s all the glory of God 😀

UPDATE: The completion of the above post was interrupted by a delicious dinner (per usual), study time (which turned into a party – somehow our room is the undeclared party room. No idea how *that* happened ;D), Miss Congeniality, and a Skype session with my little sister.  And before I had a  chance to continue extolling the amazing opportunities and blessings……drumroll please.

10 feet from me.
Eye contact.
‘Nuff said.
So, how did this come about, you may ask. Or maybe you won’t, but I’m going to tell you anyway, because it’s pretty awesome.
We got tickets to the Papal Mass for the opening of the synod for the New Evangelization.  They were free, so no big deal, but it’s still an awesome Mass to attend.  So, we left super early and I was pretty pooped, but I knew it would be worth it, so I put on a smile 😀 And when we got to St. Peter’s Square, we decided to divide and conquer with the entrances.  The one I decided to go to had a group of people in front, but no more than 150, so it wasn’t bad at all.  It was so inspiring and amazing to see so many priests and sisters, and to think of their sacrifice, dedication, and how their missions fit into the Body of Christ.  I was so overjoyed to see those religious everywhere I turned.  And also to be there with so many other lay people.

I really cannot find sufficient words to describe the beauty in that unity and solidarity.  Throughout the entire Mass (they prayed a Rosary in Latin beforehand – we all knew the same language!!), I was continually amazed and blessed by the power in the universal Church and Her wisdom in even the smallest aspects.  It was so beautiful to chant together “Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat” followed by a litany of the Saints in intercession for the Church, our Holy Father, the Bishops, and each other.
So often we feel that we’re the only ones striving against a depraved and overpowering world.  Being together for the Mass which declared St. John of Avila and St. Hildegard of Bingen Doctors of the Church and also opened the Synod on the New Evangelization was indescribably grace-filled and empowering.

I am so excited for the New Evangelization and the Year of Faith.  Our Holy Father is so wise…and nothing happens on accident.  There is a reason we are all here, being strengthened, empowered, and formed during this time.  God has called us to “Go out and make disciples of all nations.”  Why do we so often ignore that, or think of it as something that we should do later, or can put off, or is a call to someone else?

Today, I will begin to live my life in service of the Gospel.  I will pray to the Lover of my soul, and submit my rebellious will to His – a sweet obedience, resulting in the salvation of souls, since He has made us to be like Himself.  I know that I’ll fail at times, but I also will renew my dedication every time I fall.  And every morning, I will throw myself at the Blessed Feet of my Merciful Savior.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

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